We are proud for bringing Giannis Logothetis back to the Greek Discography in 2004. “Loula and other stories” is the best compilation of his work and contains some historical recordings that had been very popular. In these recordings participated the most important Greek actors like Giannis Gionakis, Thimios Karakatsanis and Takis Miliadis. The listener can also listen to Themis Andreadis and Dimitris Poulikakos.
1. I istoria/ the story
2. Geros kai i Spiridoula/ the old man and Spiridoula
3. Ela sto parti/ come to the party
4. Irthan kati amerikanoi/ some americans came
5. Pilotos/ the pilot
6. Ana, kata, dia/ per, at, for
7. Choreutis ek Parision/ dancer from Paris
8. O kirios koureus/ mister barber
9. Stella
10. Cha cha
11. Ase re mana/ let it go mother
12. Poli oraio stil/ very nice style
13. Foustanaki me dantela/ dress with lace
14. To rezili ton skilion/ ridiculed
15. Pare mou mia pipa
16. Loula
17. Kavalas to kalami/ you are becoming snob
18. I kira Μaria (kai to Εlissaki) mrs Μaria (and Εlissaki)