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Code: PR-1041-2
Title: From Smyrna to Constantinople
Artist: Giasemi Saragouda
Category: FOLK
Producer: Protasis Music
Released: 07/04/2010
From Smyrna to Constantinople

Popular, well-known tunes from Smyrna and Constantinople such as "S' agapo giati ise orea" (I love you because you are beautiful), "Pergamos", Aivaliotiko", "Politiko Hasapiko" make up a unique collection of traditional Hellenic music. Enclosed in the album there is an 8 pages inset in English, narrating the story of Smyrna in relation to the lyrics. It is accompanied by photos, texts and historical data of that period.

1. Politiko sirto/ sirtos dance from constantinople

2. Konialis

3. San ta marmara tis polis/ like the marbles of constantinople

4. Politiko chassapiko/ chassapiko dance from constantinople

5. Mortissa/ tough woman

6. Eche geia panagia/ farewell my virgin mary

7. Aivaliotiko/ from aivali

8. Chariklaki

9. Bam

10. Serviko politiko/ servikos dance from constantinople

11. Chorevis  chaidemeni mou/ you dance, my love

12. Silivriano

13. Pergamos

14. Olmas pipini mou

15. Aptaliko/ aptalikos dance

16. S’ agapo giati eisai orea / i love you because you are beautiful


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