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Code: PR-1070-2
Title: Street Musicians vol.1 (Romanians)

Artist: Various Artists
Producer: Protasis Music
Released: 23/02/2010
Street Musicians vol.1 (Romanians)

 They came to Greece and brought along their culture. They play music at the coffeehouses and on the streets with emotion and knowledge. Some of them are self-educated, some others have been taught to play music in their homelands.
Grigoris Psarianos found Rumanian, Albanian and Greek street-musicians and brought them in a studio to record. This is the first album of a series, a real document, where Rumanians sing and play music! Two accordions, a guitar, santour and drums.
A music journey to the Balkan with the unique and well known sensitivity of Rumanian musicians.    

1. Hora Moldovenească - Land of Moldavia
2. Dăcă ai femeia reă - When you have a bad woman 
3. Mîntra mea e Morăriţa - My pride or Moraricha
4. Ţamparal - Champaral
5. Vals Magyăz - Valse from Hungary
6. Cazaţoc Kalinka - Russian mixture
7. Anii mei şi tinereţă - My years, my youth
8. Brîu pe opt - Dance in eight
9. Hora Serbească - Serbian Land
10. Ţiganească - Gypsy
11. Tsifteteli dance and dance of wine 
12. Vals franchez - French valse
13. Sîrba - Serbian dance
14. Te inbesc că esti frumoasă - I love you because you’re beautiful  

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